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Slovak and Czech Societies for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SSBMB and ČSBMB) in close cooperation with Ukrainian and Hungarian Biochemical Societies Supported by the FEBS3+ Meeting Programme.


Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends,

On behalf of the Slovak Society for Biochemistry and Molecular biology (SSBMB) organizing committee, it is our great honor and pleasure to invite you to the XXVII th Biochemistry Congress 2023 in High Tatras, Slovakia on September 10th-13th.

The congress as a FEBS3+ meeting is organized by the Slovak Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SSBMB) in close cooperation with the Czech Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ČSBMB) and with the organizational participation of the Ukrainian Biochemical Society (UBS) and the Hungarian Biochemical Society (HBS).

The programme of the meeting is intended to provide an opportunity for both junior and senior scientists to stimulate discussions in a broad spectrum of topics including molecular basis of disease and therapy, biochemistry and molecular biology of viruses, bacteria and proteozoa, recombinant protein production, and regulation of gene expression. Attention will be also paid to the recent status, development, and future research trends in bio- and nanotechnologies.

A reduced fee is offered for Ph.D. students to support the participation of young scientists. The young scientists are invited to participate in "The Young Scientist Award" competition for the best oral and poster presentation.

We hope that the prepared FEBS3+ congress in High Tatras will be memorable for participants both in terms of scientific contents and social activities.


We are looking forward to meeting you in High Tatras!




Our basic plan is to organize congress on site. But due to the specific conditions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, we cannot exclude that the congress will be organized in a hybrid format. Nevertheless, we do hope that you will be able to attend the congress in person. The scientific sections of the congress will be held in English and their thematic structure reflects the latest trends in molecular biological sciences.


Scientific topics will include:

  • Molecular basis of disease and therapy
  • Cancer Cell Signaling, Regulations & Xenobiochemistry
  • Viruses, Bacteria & Protozoa
  • Recombinant protein production
  • Postranslational Modifications, Glycobiochemistry
  • Proteomics
  • Biotechnology and Technology Transfer in Life Sciences
  • Regulation of Gene Expression, Epigenetics
  • DNA sequencing – methods and applications
  • Biological membranes
  • Bioinformatics (Computational Biochemistry, Molecular Modelling, AI in Structural Biology and Biochemistry)
  • Teaching in Biochemistry, Biological Chemistry and Molecular Biology study programs
  • FEBS special Sessionon Research and Career skils


I believe that this event in the pleasant environment of High Tatras will be a place for lively scientific debates, confirmation of existing research collaborations and establishment of new scientific contacts.

To continue the long-years tradition of meeting researchers in the field of Life Sciences, the meeting will host interesting scientific and clinical meetings in the field of biomedical research, including lectures by invited keynote speakers and oral communication selected from submitted abstracts.

We will provide various opportunities for young investigators to discuss their latest results and to compete in both oral and poster sessions. We promise to prepare not only an attractive scientific program but also an enjoyable social program. We will distribute soon the Second Announcement where you will find more details concerning organization, registration, accommodation, and abstracts. It will include a link to the meeting website for online registration and abstract submission.

Please, do not forget to put the dates of the meeting into your calendar!

Looking forward to see you in Slovakia, With the best greetings,


On behalf of the Organizing Committee

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